Now who doesn't want me for a mom???
I was charged with carving a pumpkin for a party to celebrate a colleague's twentieth year with the company. (Because nothing says thanks for twenty years of service like a carved pumpkin, apparently.) It was just supposed to say "20" but Matt did such a good job carving the last pumpkin that instead I tricked him into carving a likeness of her into the pumpkin for me.
Now who wouldn't want him for a fake uncle???
The KoH did nothing crafty last night, but he says he did eat a lot of Oreos.
October 3, 2008 at 8:01 AM
And Matt works for who? He is clearly in the wrong profession. Whatever it is, he needs to be doing artistic things like this. Very cool! He can put my face on anything he wants. Scary thought there.
October 3, 2008 at 9:49 AM
Cool. How do you fill a cake with green ooze (er, jello)?
October 3, 2008 at 11:26 AM
That cake is awesome! You need to do a how to.
October 3, 2008 at 11:35 AM
You're easily the coolest mom EVER.
October 4, 2008 at 12:27 AM
OK all - This was actually very easy... if I could do it anyone could.
Make the jello ahead of time and let it set. Then bake the cake in two layers. In the first layer, carve out a circular area - but not all the way through to the bottom. Then frost around that cavity, scoop the jello into the cavity and apply the top layer over it.
I carved the cake with a bread knife to round the body out before frosting it. Baked the head piece in a small steel mixing bowl and attached it with icing and skewers.
The spider's legs are chocolate twizzlers and the feet are frosted ding dongs, turned upside down.
The eyes are mini marshmallows. I intended on making them out of fondant but couldn't find any and was too lazy to drive to more than multiple stores looking for it. I took a skewer and poked a hole in each marshmallow and then inserted a mini chocolate chip with the pointy side going in.
The hairy effect was achieved by touching a knife to the frosted cake and pulling the frosting up to form peaks all over.
If you aren't going to serve the cake right away, you have to refrigerate it, otherwise the jello will melt and soak the cake.
That's pretty much it. Oh, and wearing a cool snazzy apron you won from Beth's blog give you that extra bit of confidence to make you feel like you might actually be a chef. Of course when you take it off, it's like Cinderella when the clock struck twelve.
October 4, 2008 at 3:37 AM
Love this cake, and you are like the coolest mom ever! I like this so much I sent this link to cousin, She loved it too!
October 4, 2008 at 9:58 AM
Very cool cake.
October 4, 2008 at 11:33 PM
The feet were delish! I couldn't eat just one.