American Scientist: We're being overrun by a bunch
of vegetables!Japanese Scientist: Technically sir, tomatoes are
fags.Doctor: He means fruits.
- Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
Dormouse: "What are we going to have for dinner tonight mama?"
NG: "Well, whatever we have, we're going to have it with a vegetable because I think it's been more than a week since you ate one."
D: "A vegetable?"
NG: "Yeah... you know what a vegetable is, right? Can you name some vegetables?"
D: "Ummmm.... green beans."
NG: "Right! What are some other vegetables?"
D: "Peas... but I don't like peas."
NG: "Right! Peas are vegetables. You used to like them when you were little."
D: "But I'm bigger now. Oh! Also broccoli."
NG: "Yep. Broccoli is a vegetable. How about carrots? Are carrots vegetables?"
D: "Yes."
NG: "Right again! How about an orange?"
D: *laughs* "No... an orange is not a vegetable."
NG: "Right... an orange is...."
D: "A snack."
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