This little guy sat on that branch precisely as long as it took to get a good photo of him. When I finally got his head turned the way I wanted it so you could see his profile, he cocked his head over at me, chirped once and flew away. Would that my children were that photogenic.
this photo looks way better in a larger size than can be displayed here - click to embiggen
March 4, 2009 at 8:14 AM
Birds are so cute. I never want one in my house anymore...(too many Timmy's)...but I like to watch them in the wild.
March 4, 2009 at 8:56 PM
Great picture.
March 5, 2009 at 12:02 PM
Help! Won't embiggen!
March 6, 2009 at 7:52 PM
@Lucy: My former Bishop has an African Gray Parrot. And I constantly have to fight the urge to call it Timmy.
@Chris: Thanks!
@paws: Hmm. You should be able to just click anywhere in the middle of the photos on my site and it'll open as a large size photo. At least that's how it works on my computers. Maybe try right clicking and open in new window?