Because, seriously, LOOK!

I picked her up a little early today because I wanted to hear about her day and give her a chance to see a familiar face in case it was more difficult than she anticipated. She was angry with me. Because she didn't want to go home. They were getting ready to go outside and play in the aftercare program and she was POed that I'd had the audacity to cramp her style and show up when she so clearly was not ready for me to be there. So... yeah... that's about what I should have expected.

Between the time I dropped her off at her first day of school this morning and when I picked her up this afternoon, she has aged about seven years. How is that possible that one day of school can be elicit such a change? I'm going to be a mess when she goes to high school, aren't I?
I picked her up a little early today because I wanted to hear about her day and give her a chance to see a familiar face in case it was more difficult than she anticipated. She was angry with me. Because she didn't want to go home. They were getting ready to go outside and play in the aftercare program and she was POed that I'd had the audacity to cramp her style and show up when she so clearly was not ready for me to be there. So... yeah... that's about what I should have expected.
Between the time I dropped her off at her first day of school this morning and when I picked her up this afternoon, she has aged about seven years. How is that possible that one day of school can be elicit such a change? I'm going to be a mess when she goes to high school, aren't I?
August 25, 2008 at 5:34 PM
How dare you dress her in something so unbelievably adorable? How will she look back at these photos in 10 years and hate you? SO CUTE!
August 26, 2008 at 4:37 AM
I'm just happy it wasn't pink.
August 26, 2008 at 5:54 PM
Thank goodness for purple and brown!
These pictures are adorable. I thought about you and the Dormouse yesterday and wondered how you'd cope. Sounds like you did all right.
Great pictures!
August 26, 2008 at 10:18 PM
How familiar but distant this now all sounds to me. However, no matter how long ago it was ( about 20 years) it still brings a tear to my eye. My daughter was 18 from the time she was two and was equally perturbed with me for hanging around too long, picking her up too early etc etc. Although I should have been happy that she wasn't too shy or meek like I had been as I had raised her to be strong, my heart was just broken that she needed me so little. Boo hoo hoo. She never changed really. She's a very independant young woman now. She moved back home after a spurt of wanderings on her own but she is still very much headstrong and in charge of herself which is a very good thing in this day and age. I'm sure your little one will do well . :) alice
August 27, 2008 at 9:16 AM
@Tewkes: Thanks for the good wishes. There was a moment where I realized I'd just dropped my 4 year old off at school and thought, oh lord, what have I done? But then I was over it and quickly reverted back to my "don't let the door hit you in the fanny on the way out" attitude.
@alice: Lovely story. Thanks for the reinforcement!