If you want to encourage your baby to work on her walking skills, I highly recommend putting her in the grass. It's an excellent motivator.

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August 14, 2008 at 4:00 PM
How did you resist running over there, scooping her up, and patting her little diapered bum?
I'm 3000 miles away and I can hardly resist.
August 14, 2008 at 9:55 PM
OH!! Look at that thick green grass! I believe all we have is brown sticks. Maybe after all the rain we're supposed to get this weekend will solve that for the next weekend! But by then, who knows--maybe BabyGirl will be walking????
And I love the onesie! I don't have such cute clever ones for mine. I did see a Bald is Hot that I wanted to get, but not in her size!!
August 15, 2008 at 10:04 AM
No way! Go, girly, go!
August 15, 2008 at 12:07 PM
Yeah! That is so exciting.
August 15, 2008 at 1:28 PM
Is she not the cutest grandchild in America? Well - barring one almost 5 year old.
August 15, 2008 at 5:43 PM
Don't let the green fool you.. that grass is mostly weeds and clover.
We found that onesie in the basement of the senate building when we went on our tour there. I loved that it wasn't in the normal Senate gift shop. It makes me feel so underground.