Our neighborhood must be the proverbial Truckers Welcome Pavilion on the bird migration highway because in recent years we've seen more and more of these Super Flocks come through.

They roost in the tops of trees throughout the entire neighborhood one night, making an incredible Hitchcockian cacophony of noise. In the morning, they descend from the trees as a unit and visit house after house like a giant dark cloud touching down over and over again. Once they've extracted breakfast from the front yards of a dozen or so homes, they get back on the road again, I can only assume to repeat the process in someone else's town a day north or south as the case may be.
I often think of whoever lives in the next neighborhood they frequent and wonder if some housewife living there who has a particular fear of birds is saying to her husband:
"Why are they doing this? Why are they doing this? They said when you got here the whole thing started. Who are you? What are you? Where did you come from! I think you're evil. EVIL!"
Or maybe I've just been watching too many old movies in the middle of the night.
They roost in the tops of trees throughout the entire neighborhood one night, making an incredible Hitchcockian cacophony of noise. In the morning, they descend from the trees as a unit and visit house after house like a giant dark cloud touching down over and over again. Once they've extracted breakfast from the front yards of a dozen or so homes, they get back on the road again, I can only assume to repeat the process in someone else's town a day north or south as the case may be.
I often think of whoever lives in the next neighborhood they frequent and wonder if some housewife living there who has a particular fear of birds is saying to her husband:
"Why are they doing this? Why are they doing this? They said when you got here the whole thing started. Who are you? What are you? Where did you come from! I think you're evil. EVIL!"
Or maybe I've just been watching too many old movies in the middle of the night.
March 1, 2008 at 5:36 AM
The Birds... A classic!
When I was in YW, we had a movie night around Halloween one year at one of our advisors' houses. At the end of the night, her husband was assigned to give me and Laura Baird a ride home. As Bro. Stanton pulled up at Laura's house, right in the front of us in the headlights in the middle of the street was a big, dead crow.
It would be no exaggeration to say that didn't scare the crap out of us, just like the movie we'd been watching mere minutes before. I don't think I slept that night because I kept seeing that jungle gym of birds and the dead crow in the street.
Wasn't Tippy Hedrun a trip in that movie? Who knew that one day she'd give us Melanie Griffith.
P.S. Love both these pictures, but the second one is absolutely spectacular! Suitable for framing.
The Birds! The Birdssssssss!
March 1, 2008 at 7:30 AM
Funny, I have a similar story from YW about the movie Wait Until Dark shown on the wall of a box canyon in the desert.
I'm a huge Hitchcock fan, but I have to admit that The Birds is my least favorite. I just never GOT it. That being said, I have to admit that there is nothing else like it in any of the genre. It's truly unique.
March 1, 2008 at 9:00 AM
Do you suppose Hitch was scared by a bird as a little boy? Locked in a dark closet with somebody throwing in a rooster? Which actually happened to one of the 'friends' in Twin Falls. Do you suppose......? Oh well. Never mind.
March 1, 2008 at 11:15 AM
Whoops! That should have said, "It would be no exaggeration to say that scared the crap out of us" (or conversely "It would be lying to say that didn't scare the crap out of us." Another reason why I shouldn't comment at 5:00 in the morning!)
Wait Until Dark was/is a classic! Completely brilliant psycho-thriller! Audrey Hepburn was amazing in that film. It still scares the bejesus out of me to this day! (Whereas, I'm with you, I watch The Birds and go, "Eh. Whatever.")