Aside: Mmmmmmmm, hydrocodone. Why is it I didn't know about how great this drug was before now? How could someone have not told me about it? I am considering dipping M&M's in it for the next couple of weeks and having one or two every couple of hours when I get stressed about the mountains of work that have been piling up on my desk in my absence. I'm not sure it'll help me complete my To Do List, but I won't care. Could it be that there are other drugs that I never knew were quite so wonderful as well? Oxyconton? Birth control? Cialis? Fill me in, Interweb, because I cannot adequately describe the ecstasy of taking simply one sweet, sweet teaspoonful of Tussionex and then being able to sleep without dreaming about a guy trying to start a chainsaw over and over again, only to wake up and realize that the chainsaw sound that finally woke me up wasn't in fact, a chainsaw, it was me coughing.
My child, who'd been to the doctor twice in one week and finished an entire course of antibiotics, became sick - again - after I stupidly let her pediatrician talk me into giving her a flu shot before she was completely over the last crud she had. Yesterday, after spending a particularly bad night coughing all through the wee morning hours and waking up feeling like I just entered my first rowing tournament, we still weren't feeling better. So in desperation, I declared war on the germs in my house. I took The Dormouse to preschool, called in sick from work, turned off the heater and opened up all the windows in the entire house. I washed bedclothes, dishes and clothing. I bought a carpet cleaner and cleaned the stains in the carpet. I cleaned off the kitchen counters with bleach. I scrubbed the kitchen floor with Pine-Sol. I even cleaned the windows. A more miserable cleaning lady you've never seen as I went coughing through the house, either bundled up or stripped down to my underwear, depending on the effect of my fever at the time. I finally finished and sat down to survey my unusually clean domain. Then I took a double dose of cough medicine and went to bed.
I knew rationally that this probably isn't going to make me or mine well, but it felt good to at least do something. But guess what? This morning when at 7:30 (sleeping WAAAY past my usual up-an-at-em time) when the Dormouse woke me up birght eyed and bushy tailed with "Rise and shine Momma!", I felt 150% better. And so did she.
Maybe it's just a coincidence, but I'm gonna use this to justify putting a line item for "maid" under the Healthcare and Insurance section of my monthly budget.
January 10, 2007 at 4:07 PM
Well, you were boring for New Years Eve.
Need a Kleenex?