We have had yet another karate belt advancement.  Hip, hip, yay!

The Dormouse promoted two more belts, and I am learning more about the karate world than I ever thought possible when I first watched Karate Kid as a teenage girl in 1984. Apparently there's much more to it than Ralph Macchio's adorable accessibility.  Who knew?

Aside: I am still boycotting the remake.  I'm sure Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan did fine, fine jobs in it, but I continue to be cranky that anyone dared to sully my teenage frame of reference and touch either that movie or Footloose.  Someday, I may make my peace, but probably not in this decade.

This time I brought my camera and even a long range lens, so I'll spare you the random thoughts and long stories and just share the photos (because I took a hundred of them and these ten actually turned out useful). Except to say how when they called the line for the belt promotions they called The Dormouse's name too soon.  She was told that she probably knew enough to promote two belts, but was reminded that it wasn't an automatic promotion school, so it was possible there'd be only one promotion and maybe not even that if her test wasn't good enough.  She had a few problems with her forms, so when they called her name in the group after the yellow belt promotion, we all figured she was being called up for the reds, which would have been the next color.  The KoH and I exchanged disappointed shrugs from across the room and figured it was a promotion, just not the one she'd hoped for.  But then we realized that there actually weren't any red belts being awarded that night and they were giving her the green.  It took awhile for that to sink in with The Dormouse, but when she finally figured it out... well... see for yourself in the penultimate photo.

The concentration on her face in these photos is astounding.  While you see other kids around her looking at their parents, the audience, other kids... The Dormouse looks like this in almost every photo.  If only we could figure out how to transfer that focus to her school work.

Lord, how I love this kid.