Me: Yeah, that's because of the Inauguration. Pretty much all the schools are closed, I think.
DM: Don't forget Milk Day! I have Milk Day off too!
*we shoot each other a glance as we both immediately realize she's seen "MLK day" written down somewhere and she means January 19th*
KoH: Clearly, someone needs a Civil Rights lesson.
Me: I thought the schools were just really, really in support of calcium products.
Believe it or not World Milk Day is a thing - and so is World School Milk Day. Of course they're both on June 1st and, as such, wouldn't warrant a day off school. Now, World Cheese Day? That's more like it. Ah, the things the internet can teach us.
January 8, 2009 at 7:31 AM
Milk day. Perfect. What'd she do...read MLK on the board? Funny.
January 8, 2009 at 8:23 AM
Maybe she was referring to Harvey Milk?
I'm all for World Cheese Day. Show me the party and I'll bring the Humboldt Fog chevre.
January 8, 2009 at 12:35 PM
Just a few months ago, California was considering instituting "Harvey Milk Day." I think the governor shot it down though. It would have been a paid holiday for state workers.
January 10, 2009 at 2:29 AM
Ironic isn't it then... I learned to hate milk from drinking that crappy cardboard box, luke-warm, crap that the school district district used to feed to us and call it milk. To this very day... ICK!