These are little visitors we kept seeing in and around the cabin and The Dormouse would politely point them out for everyone by screaming bloody murder. We'd all come running, thinking there was an axe murderer coming out of the woods with his hook-for-a-hand detached and stuck on our car door handle, only to find a bug. The KingofHearts took this photo using the macro setting and all automatic exposures on my camera. I hate it when the pre-set levels come out better than anything I could set myself - it makes me feel like I didn't get my money's worth in those years of photography class in junior high and high school. Oh wait. I went to public school. Maybe I did after all.

June 27, 2008 at 6:32 AM
Well, I'm with the Dormouse: That second "bug" would make me scream, too! (Bug in quotes, because that's not a bug. That's a monstrosity. That's a SPIDER. Spiders are not "bugs". Spiders are evil and creepy and yuck. Bugs are cute and interesting.)
June 27, 2008 at 9:43 AM
That spider is nasty! Excuse me but I have to go be sick now.
June 27, 2008 at 7:19 PM
Count the legs, you'll find there are waaaay too many because this spider was molting. How cool is that?
Also, the spider is not just a spider; it's a huntsman spider and it eats other spiders. Without this little dude, there would be a lot more of the little creepy crawlies around.