How many times my blood pressure has been taken in the past week: 8
Highest my blood pressure has registered when taken in the past week: 189
How many times my blood pressure registered high when it was taken: 7
How many times the wrong cuff was apparently used on me: 7
How many doctors took my blood pressure themselves: 1
How many doctors could figure out how to work the sphygmomanometer: 0
How many doctors had to take instruction from me on how the sphygmomanometer works: 1
How high my blood pressure registered when taken by a physician who now knew how to use the sphygmomanometer and had the correct cuff: 130
How many doctors have agreed that my high blood pressure is even a problem: 0
How many days I've been assigned bedrest: 0 (for now anyway)
Woo hoo!
August 7, 2007 at 11:26 AM
Reason number seven million why I love my midwives: through the entire 10 months of my pregnany, none of the midwives or their nurses ever poined out that they were using the fat girl blood pressure cuff on me. Then some nurse in the hospital tried to use the normal one and it wouldn't work and someone let it slip.
Maybe you should have that machine at the Giant Pharmacy take your blood pressure. Sounds like it might be more accurate.
August 7, 2007 at 7:51 PM
Wait. At the end of all that, aren't you supposed to "Priceless. For everything else there's MasterCard"?
Sorry to hear you're battling incompetence! Here's hoping there's no bed rest in your future...