We cut the Honfest a little short last weekend in order to do something I've wanted to do since my tender young days back in 1990: See They Might Be Giants... live.
For whatever reason, I'd never gotten around to seeing them in concert despite having been a big enough fan to have played Flood over and over in the car until my cassette tape was ruined. (Yes, you heard me right: cassette. Let us not speak of it again.) Over the years, they would randomly show up on news pieces produced by Robert Krulwich, as the artists for television theme songs, or on the Disney channel. Their unique sound was always instantly recognizable to me and mine. Then when I had kids and heard they'd made a more serious move toward kids' music, but smart kids music, I was thrilled to share them with my own children. I bought Bed, Bed, Bed and gave it as Christmas presents to each and every friend with kids I knew (so... yeah... one) the year it came out. We watched Here Come the ABCs on the morning Disney channel programming and they're one of the main reasons The Dormouse learned her letters. Then the Here Comes Science album came out and I heard they got the Director of The New York Hall of Science to fact-check the lyrics of their songs. That was all I needed to love them for the rest of my life.
So after we took in Honfest last weekend, we headed down to the inner harbor and went to a bar/club in the middle of broad daylight to take in a concert with a thousand other concert goers, most of whom were under the age of ten. It was surreal at best.
Please to enjoy this photo essay of the experience.

We came up with:
do pee-pee,
do poo-poo,
pause teeter totter,
duh dude,
OK, so it wasn't the most stimulating of conversations. TMBG? We could really have used a second hand shape.

You can see which way they went in this photo.

Their two boys are just slightly older than each of my girls...

I'm seriously thinking of arranging marriages between these four.

June 18, 2010 at 8:09 AM
I once made a whole list of words you can cue with that handshape for that exact reason. (After having that dream that my brothers signed an entire conversation using only foam hands)
A few corrections though by your resident cued speech nerd:
The z sound produced with that handshape is the sound in "seizure" not "pause". i.e. you almost never get to use it unless you have a lot of seizures or experience a lot of pleasure.
T sound is made with handshape 5 (open hand)
Poi wouldn't work either because you have to open to handshape 5 for the OY sound.
This has been more than you ever wanted to know about cued speech.
June 18, 2010 at 8:17 AM
Little one is really turning into a beauty with that red hair and adorable curls.
June 18, 2010 at 9:13 AM
I am deeply jealous.
June 18, 2010 at 12:41 PM
@MB: Re: pause. Oh, we say it that way! We just say it with a weird accent. :)
We had actually figured out we were wrong with the t sound but I'd forgotten and wasn't cueing the words as I wrote this. Forgot about the opening the hand for the oy sound. Geez, my cueing sucks. When is that Cue Camp DC gonna start again?