Aside: Years ago when I first started my doing much of the graphic design/marketing at my job, to get myself up to speed I took some graphic design classes and looked at a LOT of flyers and programs. All that preparation really just served to convince me that there are no new ideas, just recycled ones. So it's always better to steal an idea rather than to try to come up with a completely original idea on your own. You will spend a lot more time and eventually you'll figure out someone's already had your idea anyway. If there was ever any proof of that, the Internets is it.
If it hadn't already been done to death, I could totally start my own website from just stuff I hear on Sunday. Some days that's my sole impetus for going to church.
Primary President speaking to a group of three to twelve year olds: "Okay, boys and girls, today we're going to talk about this Gospel Standard. *points to number seven on the list and reads aloud:*
I use the names of Heavenly Father and Jesus reverently.What do you think that means when it says 'I will not use crude words?'"
I will not swear or use crude words.
Excitable, yet earnest eight year old jumping up and down and raising his hand: "Oooo! That like means like when some people say BAD words that you shouldn't say. Instead you should just say 'blank' or 'bleep'. Like, Oh my bleeping bleep!, or bleep bleep you bleep! or blank you blanking blank, or mother blanker."
Speechless Primary President: "Thanks Mikey, I think that clears it up for everyone."
If you want to know my opinion, she was asking for it.
December 29, 2008 at 8:31 AM
Yes. Never ask a child to elaborate an answer. You'll get more than you wanted. It's what I love about kids. That darned innocence we all should have.
December 29, 2008 at 10:56 AM
Thanks for the ping back.
Love the quote. Almost lost some of my morning diet Coke. You should submit it to Overheard In The Ward. I promise to give a little link back love...
December 29, 2008 at 12:25 PM
I love kids for exactly this reason: they just tell it like it is! Beautiful.
December 29, 2008 at 2:50 PM
Soooooo... I am laughing. I could totally see the child bleepity-bleeping proudly. My daughter would have just said the words. LOL (Yes, I DO have a potty mouth. And proud of it.) :)
December 29, 2008 at 3:39 PM
This is what makes church all worth while. We had a woman bear her testimony about how she was stopped from ushering in the second coming by her elderly mother and a group of men in white coats.
December 29, 2008 at 7:25 PM
LOL... She asked the kids what was meant by Crude Words? She's lucky all she got were a bunch of bleeps and blanks! Thats too funny!
December 29, 2008 at 11:47 PM
Soooo priceless! I think someone should do a blog about Fast & Testimony meetings! When I was a kid, a Catholic friend once attended F&T with me and thought it was Group Confession.
December 30, 2008 at 6:37 AM
@Lucy: Even as she asked the question, I started to wince, knowing what would come. What was she thinking?
@Overheard: I'm so sorry. What a waste of good Diet Coke! Love your site -- it's hilarious.
@Tewkes: The part I left out of the story was when the Primary President got into a disagreement with the same kid about his theory that you didn't want to say, "Oh my God" when something surprised you, but if you said, "Oh my Heavenly Father" that was alright.
@Phoenix: My anxiety at that moment was that MY daughter would be the one giving examples of the real words you weren't supposed to say.
@Beth: Hey! We have a guy in our ward who found the Urim and Thummim in a cave in Colorado. Do you suppose that they'll work together?
@Nicki: I was completely taken aback by the Primary President's lack of judgment here. I mean, she has four kids herself... what did she expect? Oh wait, her kids, unlike mine, have probably never heard those words.
@Brian: Wha ha ha. You need to tell your Catholic friend the true meaning of Fast and Testimony meetings: to report on where people went on their last vacation.
December 30, 2008 at 8:26 AM
This just reminded me of a family I use to babysit when I was growing up in Provo, Utah. I grew up with a grandfather who swore like a sailor, so "crude" words weren't foreign to me. We used euphemisms like "shucks", "darn", "heck", "shoot", and "goll darn it". One day, I made the unfortunate mistake of using these words around the aforementioned kids I was babysitting.
They were appalled and told me they were going to tell their mother I swore at them. I was appalled that they would consider those swear words.
As for Fast & Testimony Meeting, I'll never forget the Sunday Bro. Barney stood up not long after the death of Spencer W. Kimball and channeled SWK a la the apocryphal story of Brigham Young assuming the countenance and voice of Joseph Smith. F&T is fodder for so much hilarity, I'm surprised they haven't taken to calling it "Open Mike Sunday."
Okay, hijack of comments over.