While in New York, we happened upon the Pratt Institute of Design and its sculpture garden. Basically, we went all the way to New York City and missed the Guggenheim but found this fun little park in Brooklyn. This is what I love about cities like New York City and Washington, D. C. You can totally miss the big attractions that the cities are famous for, but find some equally impressive little free entrance event on every other street corner and still feel like you had the cultural experience of your life.

This piece is by Raphael Zollinger. I'm a little concerned about the plaque that accompanied the piece, however. If Raphael wrote the blurb that's reprinted below sic, I'm thinking he should stick to art and let someone else edit for spelling, grammar and words that aren't really words.
This piece is by Raphael Zollinger. I'm a little concerned about the plaque that accompanied the piece, however. If Raphael wrote the blurb that's reprinted below sic, I'm thinking he should stick to art and let someone else edit for spelling, grammar and words that aren't really words.
Welcome is a commentary and protest on recent events, ((my work examines both personal and public representations of critical issues in the realm of contemporary social change.))The prisoners, cast in hard cement their hands bound, sloped forward create architypical images, symbols of the abuse humans visit on one another. The original installation incorporated a neon sign, which spelled out an ironic message, ((Welcome))
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