It's irrational, I know. I know she's not doing anything wrong... she's just playing with sounds and being silly and there's still language development happening and all of my intellectual brain says, "Do not get on her about this" - and for the record, I do not - but the irrational part of my brain feels like ants are crawling up my spine everytime I ask her what she'd like for dinner and the response is "Poo-pah!"
So I've come to understand that it's my thing and I've kept quiet about it. There, I've admitted it; confession is good for the soul.
This is a game she and KingofHearts developed in the car the other day:
The Dormouse makes up a word and KingofHearts tries to add to it make it into a real word.
She says: ---------- KoH responds with:
"Co-bee" ---------- "Bryant"
"Co-pah" ---------- "Cobana"
"Co-kee" ---------- "Roberts"
"Po-boi" ---------- "Sandwich"
"Keen-ko" ---------- "Mon Soy Sauce" (he was reaching for that one)
"Teen-ker" ---------- "Bell"
"Tah-ko" ---------- "Bell... you're making this too easy, kid."
"Kee-go" ---------- "In the Door"
"Po-lah" ---------- "...... K" (OK, maybe things have devloved a little too much by this time)
Tags: Toddler games
October 28, 2006 at 1:30 PM
i hear ya, mama
it grates my nerves sometimes
when my daughter won't answer me with words, since she can. she'll go nyuh, nyuh + thinks it sounds like a baby.