Every year when we go to the pumpkin patch, we drive through Charles Town, West Virginia past this house. This is what our house would look like each year if The KingofHearts had unlimited money... and I was dead. Since he's sure to die before me (*ahem* not that I'm planning anything), we drive up here and he lives vicariously through these people.

Special bonus Halloween message, because I been unable to find an appropriate place to stick this before now. Early in the season, The KoH brought home a Halloween decoration in the form of a skeleton head in a lantern. When you push a button, it's says in an eerie, echo-y voice, "Wha ha ha ha." After The Caterpillar's initial trepidation, she warmed up and began referring to it as the "wha ha ha."
As in: "Momma, turn ona wha ha ha?"
"Where wha ha ha?"
"I love you, wha ha ha!"
Somewhere after that, she learned that ghosts are really just people with sheets over their heads and began grabbing a blanket, throwing it over her head and saying, "Imahaha!"
So a skeleton is a "wha ha ha" and a ghost is a "ha ha" in our house.
I desperately want to remember these times, because I know very soon she will be referring to them as skeletons and ghosts and that will be a very sad day, indeed.
Here's she is trying to scare The KoH out of reading his book.
And lastly, if you don't celebrate Halloween because it's "the Devil's birthday" like some of the kids in The Dormouse's class, but prefer instead to attend a "Harvest Festival," like the one the had at The Dormouse's school this week because "Halloween" is just too offensive, consider this:
Special bonus Halloween message, because I been unable to find an appropriate place to stick this before now. Early in the season, The KoH brought home a Halloween decoration in the form of a skeleton head in a lantern. When you push a button, it's says in an eerie, echo-y voice, "Wha ha ha ha." After The Caterpillar's initial trepidation, she warmed up and began referring to it as the "wha ha ha."
As in: "Momma, turn ona wha ha ha?"
"Where wha ha ha?"
"I love you, wha ha ha!"
Somewhere after that, she learned that ghosts are really just people with sheets over their heads and began grabbing a blanket, throwing it over her head and saying, "Imahaha!"
So a skeleton is a "wha ha ha" and a ghost is a "ha ha" in our house.
I desperately want to remember these times, because I know very soon she will be referring to them as skeletons and ghosts and that will be a very sad day, indeed.
Here's she is trying to scare The KoH out of reading his book.
And lastly, if you don't celebrate Halloween because it's "the Devil's birthday" like some of the kids in The Dormouse's class, but prefer instead to attend a "Harvest Festival," like the one the had at The Dormouse's school this week because "Halloween" is just too offensive, consider this:
On an Evangelical church near my home: HARVEST FESTIVAL TRUNK OR TREAT OCTOBER 31. “Trunk or treat” I can understand. Some Mormon congregations do this too. It’s a way to suck all the fun out of trick-or-treating by handing out candy in a church parking lot from a row of car trunks. But “Harvest festival”? Uh, for the last time, people: Halloween is the eve of All Saints’ Day, part of the Christian liturgical calendar! “Harvest Festival” would be the pagan holiday! Not the other way around! This would be like a church replacing “Christmas Eve” with “Yule Festival” because some overzealous Sunday regular is anti-Santa. Okay, pastor, I get that you have some nuts in your congregation telling you that Halloween is all about the worship of Satan and his bastard stepchild Harry Potter. I don’t care. It’s time to man up to the weirdos.
Thanks to Ken Jennings for this bit of brilliance
October 31, 2009 at 2:03 PM
We have a house like this just around the corner. The problem is that it attracts loads of trick or treaters. LOADS of them! They come from all over the city to trick or treat here. As a kid we got maybe 6 trick or treaters at my house because we lived on a dark small cul de sac, but here we get hundreds of them. Its a bit insane.