Meet Mr. Edless:

I believe I've made it apparent through this blog that I'm not your candy kisses and roses Valentines' Day gift type, but I do give memorable gifts. He may not have "always wanted" what I give him, but at least he gets my sense of humor, which is pretty much the best thing about being married to The KingofHears.
Mr. Edless was my Valentines' Day present to The KingofHearts, created by the lovely and way-more-talented-than-me, Beth. I found the pattern online and knew immediately that it was over my head, so I begged her to make it for me. I only realized after Beth sent it to me, though, how much more work it was that I originally thought. How incredibly intricate that pattern was, how difficult it must have been to execute, and how she really, really undercharged me. Now we just have to convince her to put some of her knitted items in her etsy shop - or maybe to do a decapitated horse head stained glass Christmas ornament.

And yes, I put Mr. Edless in The KoH's bed to surprise him. Because he loves romantic scenes from old movies as much as I do.
After I gave it to him, however, one of his friends suggested that the only thing that would have made this gift better is if I had gotten a craft music button that plays the Theme from the Godfather to put inside Mr. Edless' ear. Where were you back in October, when I hatched this idea, John?
My favorite thing about this stuffed animal is the exposed vertebre and arteries at the base of the neck. Now that's detail. My other favorite thing is that The Caterpillar looOooves it and walks around the house hugging it and saying something that I'm sure translates from baby babble into English as, "I will love him and pet him and hug him and squeeze him and call him George."

For future Valentine-type holidays, I plan to make him every one of these things. And when I say, I plan to make, what I really mean is Get your needles ready, Beth!
I believe I've made it apparent through this blog that I'm not your candy kisses and roses Valentines' Day gift type, but I do give memorable gifts. He may not have "always wanted" what I give him, but at least he gets my sense of humor, which is pretty much the best thing about being married to The KingofHears.
Mr. Edless was my Valentines' Day present to The KingofHearts, created by the lovely and way-more-talented-than-me, Beth. I found the pattern online and knew immediately that it was over my head, so I begged her to make it for me. I only realized after Beth sent it to me, though, how much more work it was that I originally thought. How incredibly intricate that pattern was, how difficult it must have been to execute, and how she really, really undercharged me. Now we just have to convince her to put some of her knitted items in her etsy shop - or maybe to do a decapitated horse head stained glass Christmas ornament.
And yes, I put Mr. Edless in The KoH's bed to surprise him. Because he loves romantic scenes from old movies as much as I do.
After I gave it to him, however, one of his friends suggested that the only thing that would have made this gift better is if I had gotten a craft music button that plays the Theme from the Godfather to put inside Mr. Edless' ear. Where were you back in October, when I hatched this idea, John?
My favorite thing about this stuffed animal is the exposed vertebre and arteries at the base of the neck. Now that's detail. My other favorite thing is that The Caterpillar looOooves it and walks around the house hugging it and saying something that I'm sure translates from baby babble into English as, "I will love him and pet him and hug him and squeeze him and call him George."
For future Valentine-type holidays, I plan to make him every one of these things. And when I say, I plan to make, what I really mean is Get your needles ready, Beth!
February 21, 2009 at 9:02 AM
Can I borrow that? I know someone who would just LOOVE it. Heh heh.
February 21, 2009 at 10:01 AM
That is too, too funny. I love it when people buck the commercial trends and defy Hallmark another penny for their swilly sap and come up with stuff like this. It's perfect!
Happy Valentine's Day to the two of you.
February 21, 2009 at 10:58 AM
That is too funny! I love it.
February 21, 2009 at 1:06 PM
Stuff like this is why I read your blog every day. I'm so impressed, I have no words.
Oh, and great job Beth!
February 21, 2009 at 2:42 PM
I think Beth did a great job.
February 21, 2009 at 6:06 PM
My site traffic is up 16% because of all this! I feel so much pressure to post now. I hope my kids do something funny soon because right now I've got nothing.
Seriously though, I glad you like him, he was a blast to make, and the pattern was awesome (thank knit-fink) for that.
February 22, 2009 at 5:37 AM
This was the funniest thing I have seen in a looong time. Snort! I never dreamed that knitters could be so twisted(in a good way of course.) Thanks
February 22, 2009 at 8:36 AM
Nothing says I Love My Valentine like a dead horse in his bed.
February 22, 2009 at 8:37 AM
February 22, 2009 at 8:37 AM
February 22, 2009 at 10:20 AM
BTW I love your blog titles this week. "A horse is a horse of course of course" A broad is a broad you know of course...etc."
February 24, 2009 at 12:51 AM
You should donate this to become the mascot for those anti-horse slaughter fanatics! I love it!!! :)