Another sight we saw on our trip to Burkittsville. This was not really Burkittsville, but downtown Frederick, which is actually a place I'd only driven through on the freeway before. We had quite a nice time kicking around here (although trying to find a movie theater is like looking for a needle in a haystack.... if that needle had been closed ages ago but was still advertised on Google maps) and the historic downtown area was really fun just to walk around. Then as we neared the more modern business area, we saw this guy reminding us that there were income tax services within mere feet of where he was standing.
Please, if I ever get to the point where I have to do this to make ends meet... just buy me an old van and I'll go live in it down by the river.

The photo doesn't do it justice, but this guy looked like he should have been fixing your HVAC system, not standing on the side of the road holding a store sign. He clearly had not yet found the humor in the situation nor a way to enjoy the task like those guys in downtown DC who hold signs and dance like a monkey for your entertainment. So when we turned around and drove past him again, this time with The KingofHearts hanging out the side of the car with a camera pointed at him, his look read, "THE STATUE OF LIBERTY IS GONNA KICK ALL YOUR HUDDLED ASSES YEARNING TO BREATHE FREE."
Please, if I ever get to the point where I have to do this to make ends meet... just buy me an old van and I'll go live in it down by the river.

The photo doesn't do it justice, but this guy looked like he should have been fixing your HVAC system, not standing on the side of the road holding a store sign. He clearly had not yet found the humor in the situation nor a way to enjoy the task like those guys in downtown DC who hold signs and dance like a monkey for your entertainment. So when we turned around and drove past him again, this time with The KingofHearts hanging out the side of the car with a camera pointed at him, his look read, "THE STATUE OF LIBERTY IS GONNA KICK ALL YOUR HUDDLED ASSES YEARNING TO BREATHE FREE."
February 17, 2009 at 7:59 AM
I live outside of Atlanta and we have a dude dressed just like that in our small town. Ours, however, seems quite happy and waves enthusiastically at everyone who drives by. Since I see him every day when I pick up my kids from preschool, I've started waving back. Kind of feel like I know the guy.
February 17, 2009 at 4:39 PM
@Jennifer: Personally, I think if you have to dress like the Statue of Liberty on the side of the road, you should at least use the occasion to make it fun for passersby. This guy clearly wasn't looking at it that way.
February 18, 2009 at 4:23 PM
I got a good laugh out of this post, but really now, I have to say enough is enough. Thanks to you, for the last day and a half, I've had THAT SONG running through my head, and let me tell you, IT'S GETTING OLD. Any chance I can get some music therapy to help me out with this one?
February 19, 2009 at 6:50 AM
@Cliff Ape: Oh my gosh, I'd forgotten that was a song until I read YOUR comment. Thank YOU for getting THAT SONG stuck in MY head!