Thirteen Resolutions for 2008 (as told to me by The Caterpillar):
- Gain control of my neck muscles so everyone will stop calling me "Bobblehead".
- Grow this hole in my head closed.
- Develop an eye color.
- When parents give me a toy, stop hitting self in face with it.
- Cut teeth, because breastfeeding has become way too easy for Momma by now.
- Solve Poincare's Conjecture. Wait -- somebody already did it. Instead, learn to poop on a regular schedule.
- Figure out which is day and which is night... so that Momma will Stop. Complaining. Already.
- Get Momma to stop knocking the remote control off the bedside table and into the bassinet in the middle of the night.
- Survive big sister's love.
- Successfully wiggle out of Momma's grasp and get dropped on the floor; finally having believable evidence for that CPS claim I've been planning.
- The same thing we do every night, Pinky... Try to take over the world!
- Watch fewer of those Pinky and the Brain videos The Dormouse got for Christmas.
- Once and for all, teach the big humans in the house that I am the Queen Of Everything, dammit! When you all come to realize that and bend to my will, life will be much easier for all concerned.
January 5, 2008 at 9:46 AM
LOL!! Excellent plan for 2008 - for a baby. (ha, ha)
I relate to #9 - sometimes a big sister's love is Just... So... MUCH!!
January 6, 2008 at 7:24 PM
Funny! Coz you know it's true. At 3 months old my resolutions were: *figure out how to ask for a pony.
*ask for a pony.