Years ago, I had a relative who raised horses and on his ranch, he had a zebra. He claimed it was the only zebra in the world that was tame enough to be ridden by humans. I don't know now if that was true but as a fourteen year old child in pre-internet years, I had no reason not to believe him. He had it making appearances all over the place, including a televised special of Doug Henning's magic. I remember when the show aired, feeling rather impressed with myself because I had helped to muck out the stall of a famous zebra!
It's been a very long time since I've been to that ranch -- and a divorce in the family has made that relative not a relative to me anymore. While visiting with my cousin a couple of months ago, I learned the famous zebra had died. So when I got to get up close and personal with this pack of zebras, I felt like we connected. And we poured out a little feed on the ground for our fallen homie.

It's been a very long time since I've been to that ranch -- and a divorce in the family has made that relative not a relative to me anymore. While visiting with my cousin a couple of months ago, I learned the famous zebra had died. So when I got to get up close and personal with this pack of zebras, I felt like we connected. And we poured out a little feed on the ground for our fallen homie.
July 1, 2008 at 2:37 PM
Um. I'm sorry. What was that you were saying about your pictures?
I really like the second and third ones! Very cool perspectives.
July 1, 2008 at 7:28 PM
That wasn't a relative.
July 2, 2008 at 10:05 AM
@d.c.: The only reason I got these shots was because the zebras were so close to the car, I couldn't get the camera back far enough.
@Lucy: True... but 'former relative' was much easier to say than 'mother's brother's former wife's father whom we don't see anymore'.