There's a guy with a business in the neighborhood who basically erected the mast from a tall ship to display his flag collection. This is just the top of the piece. I'm thinking he might have a slight affinity toward the U.S. Navy and may or may not have been a Marine, but it's just a guess.

In my last neighborhood, the people who lived in the other side of the duplex we shared erected a twelve-foot wooden cross with a giant spotlight on it at Easter time. So I'm kinda thinking this is better.
In my last neighborhood, the people who lived in the other side of the duplex we shared erected a twelve-foot wooden cross with a giant spotlight on it at Easter time. So I'm kinda thinking this is better.
April 25, 2010 at 9:08 AM
Ranks right up with the people over on Hackamore who have the Statue of Liberty in their front yard...and does she ever light up at night! I want none of the above even near me.
April 25, 2010 at 3:51 PM
Wonder what my HOA would think of that!