"Hey, momma, can we make some circle breads?"
"I don't know what circle breads are."
"I love to eat them."
"But what are they?"
"Breads... in a circle... we made them before."
"Like a popcorn ball."
"I'm sorry honey, I don't understand. I don't know how to make circle breads."
"But I know the recipe: first you dough, then you put them in the oven, tic tock tic, tock, ding."
I've only just now while typing this realized that she meant dinner rolls.

"I love to eat them."
"But what are they?"
"Breads... in a circle... we made them before."
"Like a popcorn ball."
"I'm sorry honey, I don't understand. I don't know how to make circle breads."
"But I know the recipe: first you dough, then you put them in the oven, tic tock tic, tock, ding."
I've only just now while typing this realized that she meant dinner rolls.
June 15, 2007 at 3:14 PM
Well, she DID tell you the recipe! ;)