Early last week, the KingofHearts came home with tickets to a baseball game that he'd won in a drawing at work. It was Opening Day of the Nationals' season and it was 80 degrees that day. Perfect baseball weather. That night, we slept with all the windows open and put away all the winter blankets. Even after that as we lay in bed, we discussed finding a lighter comforter or bedspread for the bed because it was too hot in the house to fall asleep.
Three days later, the high was 38 degrees. Undoubtedly, THAT was the day the tickets he won were for.
Undaunted, we went to the game the evening before last anyway. We put on every stitch of clothing we owned and sat in the bleachers of RFK Stadium to watch Washington get beat by the Diamondbacks. (You might expect that the Arizona team might have less success in the cold weather, but no.) As the temperature crept down to freezing with no signs of holding steady - and as I discovered that while concessions at that venue say they have hot chololate for sale, they do not bother to stock any even when they know two days in advance it will be cold, Cold, COLD but instead walk around yelling "Warm beer! Hot beer!" - we finally surrendered to the elements and left in the sixth inning before one of the four of us froze to a seat and needed a spatula to pry his/her hind end away from the frozen plastic.
This morning, there was an inch of snow on the ground.
I've always heard the expression if you don't like the weather in Washington, just wait a couple of days, it will surely change. But this is ridiculous.
April 10, 2007 at 9:00 PM
Seriously, huh? I think D.C.'s weather could use a dose of Seroquel. I never know how to dress in the morning. It's maddening.