Then she graduated into an impatient, screaming blob.
Lately, however, she's become almost a little person.
The last two weeks, she has ramrodded through developmental milestones like Muck the Bulldozer. It never ceases to amaze me how children learn and develop... sometimes they'll just go along being their same old selves and then all of the sudden, it's like a wall was knocked down and they casually stroll through it, all the while looking at you like, "What?" For example, just two weeks ago, self-feeding with The Caterpillar was like watching a monkey with his hand caught in a trap.
And this is her today:
(Impatient too.)
Here's a list of other things The Caterpillar is doing today that she didn't do two weeks ago:
- Sitting independently for extended periods of time without falling on her face
- Getting from her belly or back to a sitting position
- Getting from sitting position to crawling position
- Crawling to get a toy (or some other unsafe item that has been forgotten on the floor)
- Crawling into another room to find me
- Pulling herself up to a standing position
- Cruising the furniture
- Pulling down chairs onto herself
- Splashing water in the bathtub
- Laughing at The Dormouse's antics
She's faster than me too. The other day at the office she ate most of a Post-it note before I could even get it out of her hands. And I saw her pick it up. And I was holding her at the time.
I fear for my future.
May 29, 2008 at 9:10 AM
She's awesome!
May 29, 2008 at 10:24 AM
....a monkey with its hand caught in a trap?......Is the Animal Rights Association people aware of this?
May 29, 2008 at 12:31 PM
Wow! They grow up so quickly, don't they? And good on her for punkin' the KOH! That's hilarious!
June 4, 2008 at 11:06 PM
Aren't Biter Biscuits the messiest darn things in the world! I don't care for my girl to have them very often! ha ha I have to strip her down to her diaper and let her go at it.