But how much do we really know about the language of crawdads? Perhaps it was extending a hand of welcome. "Hey buddy, I see you're new around here, want to go check out the pond scum?"
Maybe it was looking for a handout. Or perhaps it had a terrible nicotine addiction and was simply looking for a light. I can even imagine it pointing to KingofHearts's watch to remind him to get inside before he was late. Oh, the possibilities.
Whatever it meant, KingofHearts didn't stop to try and talk to it. He picked it up and put it in the creek bed nearby then went on his way. Never knowing that he'd missed his chance to finally know the great secrets of crawdad existence. Sigh.
August 26, 2006 at 1:16 AM
Maybe it was a "I lost my prothestic claw, have you seen it?" attention getting wave. And now Jerry has permanently separated the two of them. Way to go, dude.