Halloween Meme
Bold those you’ve seen.
Italicize movies you have started but couldn’t finish.
Add an asterisk* to those you have watched more than once.
Underline those on your To Watch list.
- The Shining* - Oh man, do I love this movie. Especially the remake that they did a few years ago, which in my opinion, was much, much better than the Jack Nicholson version.
- The Exorcist - I have an issue with devil possession movies. It's the one thing I'm not interested in watching.
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Haven't seen the new one. The old one bit.
- The Silence of the Lambs* - one of my favorite movies of all time, not because I too want to make a suit of human skin, but because it's just generally a perfectly made film.
- Jaws* - you can't be a John Williams fan and not have seen this one, but ultimately? The soundtrack was better than the movie. Except for the line "We're gonna need a bigger boat." and Robert Shaw's drunken tirade.
- Halloween - This (and Friday the 13th later) were the quintessential make-your-date-hold-you-close movies of my teenagerhood. Perhaps in the ultimate act of rebellion, I refused to see any of them. Once they got to Halloween 23 and Friday the 54th, I vowed never to rent any of them either.
- Psycho* - I loves me some Hitchcock. Although there are much better Hitchcock films as Hitchcock films go.
- Seven* - This is possibly the creepiest movie I have ever seen in my life. The kind of movie that makes you lose what little faith in humanity you had left. I've seen it several times.
- Rosemary's Baby - I'm sure this was all "pushing the envelope" and stuff when it came out in 1968, but I saw it for the first time just this year and the only thing that horrified me was how stupid it was.
- Poltergeist* - Seen it about a million times but the first was in a movie theater in a small town where my cousins lived and the exit door let out into a cemetery after the movie was over. Awesome effect.
- A Nightmare on Elm Street - Another quintessential teenage horror movie of my teen years. I did not see it until I was in my 20s and realized that Johnny Depp was in it.
- Friday the 13th - See Halloween
- The Thing - Fun old film that I always enjoy.
- The Evil Dead - Oh my. The KingofHearts has a Giant Thing for this movie. I found its campiness fun until it got old... which is about 6 minutes after the opening credits roll. However, the movie is made infinitely better by reading this book first.
- Carrie* - Loved this. Loved the book. Loved the new version. Especially love all the parodies done of it since.
- Night of the Living Dead - Classic!
- The Omen - Another stupid one that I didn't seen until adulthood.
- An American Werewolf in London - How did I miss this one?
- Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer - Why haven't I ever heard of this one?
- The Hitcher* - I have a history with this movie. The remake was just as interesting as the original and I loved what they did with the characters - although Sean Bean pales in comparison to Rutger Hauer on the creep me out scale.
- Lost Highway - Somehow missed this despite my devotion to David Lynch. Because I love watching a movie and going "Huh?" when it's all over.
- The Blair Witch Project - Hated it. Oh lordy was this a load of crap.
- Pet Cemetery - How could you not love any movie with Herman Munster in it? Oh.. wait... it could be Pet Cemetery.
- Saw - Yeah... since I had kids I haven't seen a scary movie in the theater.
- The Ring - Could not decide if this was dreadfully scary or dreadfully stupid.
- Scream - First one was fun. Didn't bother with the sequels.
November 2, 2007 at 12:07 PM
How is it that you've never seen "An American Werewolf in London"!?! I LOVE that movie. It is one of my favorites! You need to underline that one.
I noticed that you don't have a single movie italicized. I have a few, but not because they were too scary (rather, too stupid).