Thirteen things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving morning:

...some people aren't so lucky.
- The people who invited us to their house so I don't have to clean mine.
- Not having to make a bunch of sides and deserts since our hosts are doing that part.
- Turkey fryers, which make my husband interested in cooking, thereby leaving me only the brining responsibilities.
- Drywall mud buckets which are big enough to brine a turkey (last year we used a kitty litter bucket). Oh, come on, I cleaned it first.
- My conference is over.
- Not getting gate raped at the airport this week (though it was a near thing).
- My totally awesome neighbor who always shows up when I'm having trouble doing something in the yard and then just does it for me.
- The platypus. No real reason... I just think they're fun to look at.
- Hot showers
- My conference is over. (I know I wrote this before, but it bears repeating.)
- That On the Road to Punkin' Chunkin', the preview to Thanksgiving night's Punkin' Chunkin' 2010, is only sixty minutes... because it seems like much, much longer.
- Diet Coke (except: the elixir of the Gods has begun to give me a headache whenever I drink it... whatever shall I do?)
- And finally, I am thankful that I live in relative safety from the fear that a zombie turkey carcass in my garbage will reanimate itself and come after me in revenge...

...some people aren't so lucky.
November 26, 2010 at 2:22 PM
Have you tried regular Coke? The artificial sweeteners in all diet drinks give me migraines. :)
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
November 30, 2010 at 5:53 AM
Great! Now I have to worry about food coming back from the dead too. Sometimes I wonder why I read this blog anyway.